Romans 6:16
“Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey-whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or obedience, which leads to righteousness?”
Everyone is a slave to something, and most of those things are sin. It’s so easy to become slaves to things too, and we don’t even realize it when we do become a slave to it. It can be anything; electronics, alcohol, drugs, anything and everything. We put those things above God, idolizing them, which is more sin. We become addicted to those things and they become priority in our life, making it difficult to live without them. We get so caught up in them and love living like that for a while that we don’t even realize we’ve been captured. We start to obey our need for them; oblivious to the fact that we’re in chains. And when we finally realize that we're gone, we don’t know how to get out. We’re stuck, and death is on it’s way.
But what if instead of being slaves to sin, we were slaves to obedience? That’s a weird way to put it, being a slave to obeying, but following the word of God. Doing as He says, that’s obeying. Obeying Him leads to righteousness. He loves it when we do as He says without arguing. Our parents get annoyed with us always asking why, wanting us to obey the first time and trust them, and although God probably doesn’t get annoyed, He probably just wants us to understand that He’s got us. That we don’t have to ask why, we can trust Him and obey. The first time He asks us to do something, do it. Obey then and there. And righteousness is on it’s way.
Application: I’ll have Gabbi draw chains on my right arm as a reminder to be a slave to obedience, to good, instead of sin.
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