Hebrews 13:17
“Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.”
Every leader and authority figure I’ve had in my life have always been people who submit to God. They’ve always been right leaders, trying to lead me to do what is right. I’ve never had to question if they were leading me in the opposite direction of God. Yet, I always had a problem with obeying them, always trying to get out of what they say or rolling my eyes at the rules they put in place. I knew that what they were saying was going to be beneficial to me, but I didn’t care. I made their jobs burdensome.
As I grew, my views changed. I started to see these leaders differently; I learned how much they cared about me. God opened my eyes to see that the rules they put in place where to help me grow and be safe. They were watching over me, trying to protect me. I began to gain a confidence for them, submitting to their authority, and trusting that they knew what they were doing. I stopped rolling my eyes and started following. Their jobs became more joyful when they didn’t have me constantly arguing with them.
Sometimes, I still have a problem with authority. I’ll think a rule is dumb or something, and I’ll roll my eyes, but that’s something I’ll continue to work on. For the most part, I’ll agree with what is in place, trusting that those leaders are looking to Christ. I know that it’ll make me grow and and it’ll be good for me.
Application: I’ll write down five rules that I tried to fight against and explain how those rules ultimately benefited me.
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