Isaiah 7:9
“If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.”
How true is this verse. It’s so easy to put on that ‘christian filter’ and pretend to be strong in your faith. It’s so easy to fool people with where you are with Christ. It’s so easy to fool yourself with where you are with Christ. I am very good at fooling myself. All my life, I thought my relationship with Christ was rock solid. I always knew that there is room to grow, but I thought I was going strong. “One of Satan’s most dangerous deceptions is making you believe you are good with Christ when you’re actually not.”
I was far from Christ, I was not firm in my faith at all. I truly believed that I was good with Him though. My faith was not my own, I didn’t stand firm, and I could feel myself falling. I began to drift far away, desiring things of the world, my heart became hardened, and I stopped seeking the Lord.
Then, the Lord sparked my heart. He brought me to place where I had to learn hard things and learn to see Him as “my husband” (Hosea 2:16), “my refuge and strength” (Psalm 31:4), “my rock and my savior” (Psalm 18:46). I learned that building your house on the sand is stupid. When you do that, all will be washed away. But building my house on the rock is wise. You will stand.
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