IBS 21
Hebrews 5:8
“Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered…”
Growing up, you don’t think that suffering would ever teach you obedience. Your mom or dad would come in and punish you whether by spanking you or putting you in time out. Either way, each of those are a small form of suffering. And, most kids, are taught obedience through that. Some kids don’t care and will have to be in time out for a lot longer, but hopefully will eventually learn obedience.
I grew up with a mean mouth in what I said and the way I said it, and a sassy attitude towards my family. I didn’t listen to what they said and I was so harsh towards my brothers. As a result, I would get punished, suffering in a way. But I learned. It took years, and I still have to work on how I say things, but I learned. I’m more aware and careful.
Suffering doesn’t mean immediate obedience. Suffering might have to go on for a long time. Just like the potter and the clay; if the clay didn’t submit to the potter and mold the way the potter wanted it too, it would fight, struggle, and suffer. It would be on the wheel a lot longer. Some clay will mold easier then others and some have to be worked on.
My older brother hardly ever fought God. Basically from day one he’s been obedient. He, like everyone, has had their own form of suffering, but he’s never taken his eyes off of God, always longing to do what God calls him to do. Me, on the other hand, have always wanted to do what I wanted to do, not really caring about what God wanted me to do. I’ve suffered in my own way as well, learning a lot slower then my brother, the obedience that God desires for us to have.
Application: I will write out “learning obedience from suffering” on paper and keep it in my pocket as a reminder that suffering results in more obedience.
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