Ephesians 6:1
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.”
Colossians 3:20
“Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.”
Obeying my parents has always been a roller coaster. There were days where I’d submit to their authority and obey then and there, and then there were days where I fought with them non stop. I didn’t care what they were saying to me, I wanted to do what I wanted to do. The rules that I was always to obey in my home were to benefit me and glorify God, but I acted out in flesh most of the time. I would wear things I shouldn’t, and would always get in trouble. I would argue about it, never winning, and would end up grounded. But I’m thankful my parents didn’t waiver with me. I would fight and say awful things to my brothers, and I’m thankful I would get in trouble for that too. I learned respect for myself, my family, and God.
Because I would always fight my parents growing up, I learned to fight God. I had to have something to say that went against God and would try to justify that. As I got older, though, and became more submissive to my family, I became more submissive to God, and I learned to obey without complaining or arguing.
Learning to obey your parents teaches you so much more then just doing what your mom tells you to do. It teaches you to respect and obey authority. I had an acquaintance several years ago who never obeyed or respected any type of authority figure. It would drive me insane to see him disrespect the administration at my school. Then I saw how he interacted with his parents and the way he talked about them. He never obeyed them, doing everything he could to rebel. When anyone would bring up God, telling him that God wants him to obey his parents, he’d fight them, saying he doesn’t listen to God. Obeying and respecting parents is the beginning of obeying and respecting others. Unless someone has crazy parents.
Applications: The next time I call my parents I’ll apologize for all the times I argues with them about obeying.
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