1 Corinthians 12:14-15
“Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. Now if the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I don’t belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body.”
Wow. I am a jealous person who compares myself to every person I come across. I look at them and see how God created them. I see the good and bad things in them. I see the way they’re put together, and I look at myself. I look at how I’ve been put together, focus on my insecurities, and I question myself. I start to not like myself. I ask God, “Why am I not like them? Why did you create me this way? Why can’t I have the great qualities they have?” I get mad at God and doubt Him.
I know He created me the way I am for His kingdom. I know He loves me and He has a plan for me. But I’ll think to myself that I’ve messed up and God isn’t going to use me anymore. I know that thinking is wrong, but I can’t win that battle, I give in and let my insecurities over power me.
God has to constantly yell at me and I have to constantly pray that I’ll start seeing myself the way God sees me. I have to have faith and put my trust in Him that He is going to use me. That He’ll keep those thoughts out of my mind. I have to remember that I’m not like anyone else. I am me, a girl who God created for a purpose, and I have to trust Him to show me His ways. He’s reminding me everyday that because I’m not just like anyone else, it doesn’t mean that I’m not apart of the body. That the body is made up of many parts, nothing being the same. I have to remember that I contribute as well.
Application: I’ll talk to Vanessa about this and we’ll pray that we’ll start seeing ourselves the way God sees us and in one week I’ll write down what God has shown me.
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