Romans 12:6
“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith…”
Having different gifts is good. It makes people work together better, making them rely on each other to come through. Christ gave everyone a different gift to make people come together and work together as one. In 1 Corinthians 12:12 it says, “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” Every body has different gifts, making them different, unique, and helpful in their own way.
Growing up in a pastors home, gifts have always been a thing. I’ve always known about that and have always been in regular school and Sunday school classes where we take those gifts tests to see what we all had. It’s always been normal. But I never knew what gifts I had. I would always see everybody else, watch them, and be able to pick out their gifts. I’d get jealous because I would want their gifts. I never knew what gifts I had, making me insecure. Everybody else was confident in their gifts, and I was always searching around for mine. For a while, I would ask God to give me the gifts my friends had, but He would just tell me no. That I have my own gifts directed to me, mine are different, I can’t be like other people. I have to be myself. I learned to stop looking at others gifts and being mad that I don’t have them, but to rejoice that my friends had great gifts.
To be honest, I still don’t know what gifts I have, but I don’t worry about it anymore. I’ve learned to seek God’s face and trust Him to provide whatever gift I need whenever I need it. I’m learning to be myself and not wish to be like anyone else. To be confident in the person God has made me to be.
Application: As I do my devotions this morning, I’ll ask God to reveal to me what gifts I have. I’ll talk to Taniella tonight and tell her what happened throughout the day and how God spoke to me.
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