Psalm 119:11/Mark 1:35
“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”
Doing devotions is such an important thing to do. It doesn’t matter when you do them, as long as you take time out of your day to spend with your creator. Hiding the word in your heart. I love doing my devotions in the morning. Waking up and hanging out with my Father before anything else takes place in the day. It puts me in the right mood and makes the whole day better. Because what could be better then starting the day off with your first love?
A lot of times we get to busy to do our devotions. We have busy schedules; groceries to shop for, houses to run, jobs to do, etc. We are busy people. But that’s when we have to gain that discipline to get up early or stay up late and be dedicated to spend time with our God. Jesus sets the example here in this verse. “He got up very early and went off to a solitary place and prayed.” If Jesus does it, then so should we. We can sacrifice sleep and a little of our social lives to speak one on one with our Lord and have Him speak back. For me, that’s usually the time when He speaks to me. When I’m having one on one time with my Father. I have to get away from all the noise, the chatter, the people, and seek God’s face.
Devotional time, one on one time, is not only something to make the day better, it’s not just something we do because Jesus did it, it’s necessary. We need to seek His face above all others. Especially when we’re dealing with issues; seek God’s face for wisdom. It’s better to do that then to talk to multiple people about all our issues. We take it before God, and we do that during our devotional time. And if we want someone to talk to it about, go to one trusted accountability partner, and only them. I’m really good at going to multiple people about my issues instead of God. They all tell me different things and I get confused. But when I go to God, He tells me one thing and I can be confident in that one thing. It’s been a challenge to remember to go to God before anyone else, but it’s so important. I’ve learned that since being at Ignite. I can’t go talk to my roommates or friends (which is something I love doing), that can turn into gossip so quickly, and that’s so wrong. So I go to God. During my devotionals and other times. He is my refuge and my love. I want to talk to Him like Jesus talked to Him.
Application: I’ll write Mark 1:35 on my left arm to remind me to go to God before anyone else.
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