1 Corinthians 12:18-20
“But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.”
I’m really good at looking to others and comparing myself to them. I can see their gifts and talents very easily and I can see what part they play in the kingdom of God. But then I look at myself and I can’t see any gifts and talents. I put myself down because I don’t have those same gifts and talents. I get upset and ask myself why I can’t be more like other people. I try to make myself to be more like others then being more like the unique woman God has designed me to be. I look at myself and I never feel like I’m enough, but everyone else is clearly enough. I see the amazing things God’s given them and I can never understand why I’m not more like everyone else.
I can just imagine how hurt God is whenever I think things like this. No one likes it when others bash their creations, so why do I bash myself so much? I’m God’s creation, and He doesn’t want me bashing myself. He designed me to be apart of this spiritual body. I may not see it now or ever, but I play a roll in this. I’m not some separate body functioning on my own, I’m with others, unified to help function something bigger then myself. God placed me just as He wanted me to be. He’s given each part of this spiritual body a different gift. Not everyone is an apostle or a prophet or a teacher. Not everyone has the gift of healing or speaking in tongues, each one has been given something specific. I’ve been given something specific. I shouldn’t desire what others have, I should be content with what the Lord has given me and I should thrive in it.
I’m also not enough. But that’s the thing. No one is enough. All on our own we are hopeless people with nothing. With Christ, we have hope. We aren’t supposed to be enough. If we were enough on our own, this spiritual body wouldn’t exist. The Lord, though, is enough. He’s grace is sufficient.
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